Our Dial-A-Lift is available
Monday to Friday 8am-6pm
To use this service the passenger must become a member, live in the rural Magherafelt district area, and have difficulty accessing everyday services due to lack of transport.
Shopping or personal business
Some local health services/Local pharmacy
Post office or banking
Training or employment
Visiting family or friends
What Can Dial-A-Lift be used for?
Door-to-Door option for individuals living in rural areas of the Mid Ulster District Council. All members registered must pay an annual membership fee.
Members who retain a valid smart-pass can use this on this particular service enabling free or half fare transport but concessionary travel is only permitted three times per week maximum.
This service operates Monday through Friday 8am until 6pm.
Rates; Single Fare
0-5 miles - £3.00
5-10 miles - £4.00
10-15 miles - 5.00
15-20 miles - £6.50
20-25 miles - £7.50